
6 Tips to Boost Productivity When Working From Home

Carl Taylor | January 23, 2018

Working from home has never been easier. From cloud-based documents to video conferencing, apps and software make it easy to connect with your team regardless of where you are.

But even though working from home comes with many benefits – the ability to eliminate your commute, get a decent tax break, and work the way you’re most comfortable, just to name a few – with so much freedom, you’re also presented with tons of distractions.

How to Boost Your Productivity When Working From Home

Staying productive while working from home can be a challenge. Without the structure and routine of a typical office, you may find it difficult to stay motivated. Luckily, there are a few simple tips you can follow to boost your productivity when working from home.

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1. Optimize Your Workspace

Having a designated area just for work is a great way to prepare your mind to get focused, allowing you to work more efficiently. If you’re able to create a home office, set up a clean, well lit, and comfortable space that motivates you to get work done.

However, if you don’t have the space in your home to create a separate office space, set up your workstation in a low-traffic area free of distractions. Choose a space where you’re comfortable, but not so comfortable you risk dozing off. Opt for the kitchen table or desk in a spare bedroom rather than your couch.

2. Create a Morning Routine

When you don’t need to be in an office by a set time, your morning routine may go out the window. However, following the same routine each morning can prepare you for the workday can help you get focused.

Create a morning routine that works for you. Get dressed, make your bed, eat breakfast, and catch up on the news. Developing a plan that brings you from sleep-mode to work-mode can help you stay focused throughout the day.

3. Set A Schedule That Works for You

Working from home allows you to set your own hours and work according to your own schedule. However, when you don’t have time commitments or restraints, you may find yourself taking more frequent breaks throughout the day – eating away at your productivity and making it difficult to stay focused.

Create a schedule around when you’re most productive. Prioritize your tasks, scheduling your most difficult projects or meetings during peak productivity. From there, you can schedule in breaks, calls, and meals. To get a better idea of how long you’re spending on your tasks, try a time-tracking app like Toggl.

4. Shut Down Distractions Before They Start

When working from home, the lines between “work” and “home” can become blurred pretty easily. While it may seem harmless to run to the grocery store or throw in a load of laundry, performing chores throughout your workday can actually pull you out of your focus and make it more difficult to become productive.

Instead, treat your work day the same way you would if you worked in a typical office. Save your chores, TV shows, and personal phone calls until your work day is done. Let friends and family members know your work hours and ensure they know these times are off limits.

5. Take Breaks – But Keep Your Mind Engaged

Taking breaks is an important part of staying productive throughout the work day, especially when you work from home. To prevent falling into a rut or burning out, you want to take regular breaks from your work. However, in order to maintain your motivation, you need to be smart about the breaks you take.

Avoid hopping on the couch and catching up on your TV shows during your workday. Instead, go for a walk, take a short power nap, or head to the gym. During shorter breaks, catch up on your favorite blogs or take a few minutes to read a chapter of a book. Keeping your mind engaged can make it easier to jump back into your work when your break is over.

6. Outsource Tasks That Eat Away at Your Time

As an entrepreneur, there are a number of tasks you need to perform each day to keep your business running smoothly. However, you don’t always need to be the one in charge of those tasks. If certain tasks are difficult, tedious, or otherwise eat away at your time, consider outsourcing.

Hiring a virtual assistant or adding another remote employee to your team can allow you to focus on the tasks you enjoy doing, making it easier to stay motivated and productive. Automation Agency can take over your technical or design tasks, streamlining your business processes and helping you get more done in less time.

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Staying productive while working from home takes focus and structure. However, when you create a schedule, eliminate distractions, and outsource tedious tasks eating away at your time, you can focus on what you do best – running your business.

About the author 

Carl Taylor

Carl Taylor is the Founder & CEO of Automation Agency. For the past 10 years Carl has been building businesses and marketing them online through the use of Sales Funnels, Email Marketing Automation, Landing Pages, and Wordpress Websites. Carl is also a #1 author and highly sought after speaker and consultant whose work has impacted thousands of businesses across various industries worldwide.

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