Best time to send email

When Is the Best Time to Send Email?

Carl Taylor | October 23, 2018

Email can be one of the best ways to connect with your audience – when it’s used correctly.

If you send your message at the wrong time, it could get lost in your client’s inbox. To improve open rates and increase click-throughs, it’s crucial you find the best time to send emails.

Unfortunately, this is easier said than done.

Mailchimp reports that mid-morning on a weekday is the best time to send email. Weekends and late at night or early in the morning should be avoided.

But the reality is, everyone seems to have their own schedule for when they check their email. Some individuals like to check their inbox first thing in the morning, while others may check consistently throughout the day. Others may only check every few days.

This means there are no hard and fast rules to when you should send an email. Instead, you need to get to know your unique audience.

You don’t need to personally survey each of your subscribers to figure out what time is best to send your email blasts. Instead, you can use an email marketing tool to better understand when you should be sharing your messages.

When Is The Best Time to Send Email?

Here’s how you can test your best email time depending on the email provider you use.

These three providers are all on Automation Agency’s supported platforms. If you’re an Automation Agency concierge member and you’d like us to set up an automated email sequence for you, here’s how to explain and submit your task.


ActiveCampaign goes deeper with its analytics to show users how subscribers engage with content throughout the day. With the “Hourly Open Trend” option in the reports dashboard, you can see exactly how many individuals open your email at certain times.

While the peak of users opening your messages will almost always be when you send the blast, you can also get a better feel for when your audience might be engaging later in the day. This can help you make more strategic testing decisions for the future.

Like HubSpot and ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign will require some A/B testing. However, thanks to this added category within reporting, you can find your optimal time much easier.


InfusionSoft is an all-in-one email marketing and CRM tool that helps businesses of all sizes stay on top of their communication and promotion. InfusionSoft not only allows you to send great emails, but can also help you manage and track how customers are engaging with your content.

With InfusionSoft, you’re given deep insights about how and when email recipients open your emails, letting you easily track what works for them. You can also keep an eye on the type of recipient, helping you better understand how individuals might open your content depending on if they are new subscribers or old customers.

To find the best time for an email within InfusionSoft, you’ll want to closely monitor opens and test what works. With A/B testing, you can refine your send time to improve your open rates.


Ontraport is another tool that combines CRM and marketing automation. This means you’re able to get in-depth insights about the messages you’re sending.

Ontraport provides a dashboard that allows you to easily track open rates of their emails, as well as other key performance indicators to help refine the messages you’re sending. While, like other platforms on this list, they don’t offer an exact tool for finding the right message to send, this dashboard makes it easy to track your tests.

A/B testing is the best policy for improving your email send time within Ontraport. Consistently monitoring how different campaigns or trials are performing can help you find the best time for your unique audience.

Finding the Best Time to Send Email with Automation Agency

Finding the right time to send your messages is important for improving engagements. When you get your email messages in front of your audience at the right time, you can increase opens, click-throughs, and conversions. One of the best ways to do this is by automating your emails – and Automation Agency can do just that.

If you’re looking for assistance in scheduling and automating your emails, Automation Agency is here to help. If you’re already a concierge member, simply send us a task with what you want your email to include, and we’ll schedule it for you. (Don’t forget to check out our list of supported platforms to see which email service providers we can help with!)

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About the author 

Carl Taylor

Carl Taylor is the Founder & CEO of Automation Agency. For the past 10 years Carl has been building businesses and marketing them online through the use of Sales Funnels, Email Marketing Automation, Landing Pages, and Wordpress Websites. Carl is also a #1 author and highly sought after speaker and consultant whose work has impacted thousands of businesses across various industries worldwide.

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