Digital Publishing: Using Information To Grow Your Business

Carl Taylor | February 13, 2023

With digital publishing, it’s now easy for businesses to publish content and leverage them for growth. Discover how to do just that and more.

The advancements in technology have transformed content creation and distribution. Digital publishing has become the norm these days. But what is it exactly?

Digital publishing is the distribution of journals, newspapers, magazines, and books online. This way, people can then view, download, and manipulate the content. What’s more, they can also print and share the material as they like.

Also, unlike traditional publishing, digital publishing allows you to add videos, infographics, and animations to your content. 

There are various reasons why both the general audience and businesses are migrating en masse to digital publishing.

For the general audience, it’s mainly about convenience. They feel that various content and information are more accessible since they’re found online. 

For business owners like you, it’s the ability to bypass the lengthy publishing process and save on costs. It’s more cost-effective to distribute your message online since you don’t have to spend money on printing, for example.

Digital publishing also allows you to edit your publications anytime and anywhere. It can also help you attract a wider audience for you since you’ll make your content available to billions of people worldwide at any time.

With all that, it’s clear that you also have a higher chance of getting a great return on your investment (ROI). Thus, digital publishing can help you grow your business.

But how exactly?

How Digital Publishing is Beneficial for Businesses

You can’t stop the tide of people joining the great digital migration. So, wouldn’t it be better to go with the flow and reap the rewards instead?

Businesses can take advantage of the shift to digital content and gain so many benefits such as

Ability to Reach a Wider Audience

As mentioned, digital publishing allows people – in this case, your target audience – to read your content from across the globe. They also don’t have to wait days or weeks for your content’s arrival via courier. And they don’t have to pay for its shipping. 

This means that you’re helping your audience save time, energy, and resources. 

Remember, a hassle-free transaction produces satisfied customers. So, they are more likely to subscribe or buy your content – and even do it repeatedly. 

You can also use digital publishing tools to translate your ebooks. It’s worth the effort because the best way to reach your audience’s hearts is through content in their native language. Online tools can help you maintain the essence of your message even in other languages.

More importantly…

As of 2021, there are roughly 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide – and the number keeps growing. So, tapping into this market through digital publishing will give you an edge in your industry.

Improves Competitiveness

The online community is a very competitive place. Since content and information is more accessible, people have various options. Your content needs to stand out. 

And to do that, you need to make use of digital publishing tools to make your content relevant. Not to mention more visible to your target audience.

Can be Interactive

Digital publishing provides you with opportunities to create interactive content for your target audience. For instance, you can embed videos, photos, and GIFs in your content to make it more attractive to a wider audience.

Most platforms have various features that allow you to generate interactive and personalised learning experiences. And leveraging them will allow you to increase and generate engagement with your target audience.


Traditional content publishing is more expensive than the digital route. What makes the former more expensive are the costs associated with printing and distribution. And you either shoulder those expenses alone or let your audience bear the burden. 

But this situation is pretty much eliminated in digital publishing.

Here, you can offer your audience your content at a much cheaper price. Your readers will also no longer pay for delivery costs since they can buy and access your content online. 

You also don’t have to worry about the cost of reprinting in case of errors. It’s because you can use tools available on digital publishing platforms to make edits to your content and republish quickly.

Allows Updates

Correcting printed books can be very resource-intensive and time-consuming. It’s because, typically, you’ll have to collect the copies with errors before people can buy them and reprint your content with the corrections. 

With digital publishing, you avoid all that.

It’s because you can update your content in real-time even after its publication. As mentioned, digital publishing platforms generally have built-in features that allow you to edit your content even on the fly.

Permits Self-Publishing

There are a lot of online platforms available for creating and sharing your content. And these platforms generally provide features to help you manage your content and generate traffic to it. 

Even better, there are also cloud-based platforms that provide you with tools to create responsive content that fit your target audience’s tastes.

Integrates with CRM

Digital publishing platforms offer CRM integration to track engagement and provide you with key metrics. Some platforms even have powerful analytical dashboards that give you status reports of your target customers’ behaviour and their buying patterns.

Some platforms also analyse your audience’s behaviour on social media and their interactions with digitally published content, including yours. This then allows you to identify which methods are the most effective when it comes to creating engagement and making adjustments. 

Some insights can even help you adjust your writing style and other aspects of your content based on your target audience’s taste.

You can also find out the number of downloads your content had and which regions they came from. You can use this knowledge to determine the languages for your content.

Increases Profitability

It’s clear that you can make a lot of profits with digital publishing. As mentioned, you increase your savings when you digitise your content. This is because you won’t have to spend money on materials and printing.

You also don’t have to spend money on distribution since the content is online. This means you can decrease the price of your content and still make a profit.

And since your content is cheaper compared to its printed version, your target audience is more inclined to purchase it.

Different Ways to Take Advantage of Digital Publishing

You now know that digital publishing provides you with a lot of benefits, including opportunities to make a profit. It’s time to discover how exactly you can make it happen.

Paid Content

With paid content, you’ll require your audience to sign up and pay to access your content. Examples of paid content are online magazines and newspapers like the New York Times.

Those who do subscribe and pay for your content will then receive special perks, such as new and archived digital publications and content. With this, you offer exclusivity, which can serve as a badge of honour to your audience and entice more of them to subscribe. 

Membership to your paid content can also serve as a metric for knowing your reach or popularity. Of course, the more subscribers you have, the greater your content’s popularity and reach.

Paid content can also serve as a source of reliable income as long as you have subscribers. After all, readers must pay the required fees for them to continue enjoying and accessing your content.


Think of an ebook as a book that’s composed in or converted to digital format. So, it’s accessible on both a computer screen and a handheld device. 

With ebooks, you are able to generate revenue through the sale of each copy of your content.

E-books are also cheaper for both the writer and reader. This is because the writer doesn’t have to spend money on printing, distribution, and promotion of the book. Meanwhile, readers get to access the ebook immediately without paying costly shipping fees.

Since ebooks are cheaper and more accessible to all, it is easier to market and sell to a wider audience. 

Branded Marketing

With branded marketing, the focus is on promoting a business and increasing consumer awareness through digital content. Some common tactics here are the use of digital brochures and catalogues.

A digital brochure is an informative material used primarily to introduce a business, while a digital catalogue features the products and other offerings of a business. 

Think of branded marketing in this case as the promotion of your products or services, but done digitally. Since you don’t incur printing and material costs here, it’s more economical than marketing using traditional brochures and catalogues, for example.

Need Help Designing Your Digital Content?

Digital publishing has opened a lot of opportunities for you and your target audience. With it, you can help your business attract a broader audience. Meanwhile, billions of people around the world can potentially access your content through the internet. 

At the same time, you get to earn from your content itself. You can do it either directly through paid content and ebooks or indirectly via branded marketing that’s leveraging your digital content.

Digital publishing is also cheaper for both the business and your target audience. This is because it eliminates costs associated with the creation, printing, delivery, and shipping of printed content.

Without all these costs, you have a higher chance of increasing your profits and scaling your business. And this is the key reason why more and more businesses are transitioning to digital publishing.

But the reality is that digital publishing can be easier said than done.

Fortunately, Automation Agency Heroes can help you produce your digital content and meet all your digital publishing needs. Get in touch with us so you can start enjoying the benefits of digital publishing.

About the author 

Carl Taylor

Carl Taylor is the Founder & CEO of Automation Agency. For the past 10 years Carl has been building businesses and marketing them online through the use of Sales Funnels, Email Marketing Automation, Landing Pages, and Wordpress Websites. Carl is also a #1 author and highly sought after speaker and consultant whose work has impacted thousands of businesses across various industries worldwide.

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