Your content has the power to attract more customers and drive company success. But you’ll have to make it fit your ideal customers. Here’s how to do it best.
No amount of planning or marketing strategy can replace the power of great content. The right copy, imaging, and video material can significantly boost your SEO, website traffic, and even conversion rates.
Most importantly, valuable content can attract plenty of new customers, especially if published consistently.
That’s why your content will always be crucial for the overall marketing campaign. And it would be best to focus your attention on making it as fine-tuned for your audience as possible.
Tailoring your content to speak to your customers most efficiently isn’t very challenging if you base it on proper research. In fact, you’ll discover that people will often tell you outright what they want.
But you’ll have to look for that information in the right places.
Preparation Is Key
Before you start creating and publishing the best possible content, you’ll first have to develop a thorough understanding of what resonates with your audience the most. Direct input from your audience, social network research, and relevant data will help you determine just that.
Here are the essential tips that will get you moving in the right direction.
Tip #1. Survey Your Audience
Yes, people will often tell you exactly what they need and what aspect of your product or service interests them the most. And the most straightforward way to get that information is to ask your audience directly through surveys and gathering feedback.
But when conducting surveys, you should expect people to be reluctant to provide detailed feedback – a considerable portion of your audience might even decline to participate. Still, there’s plenty of information you can get through what the customers tell you using surveys.
The first step you should take in this regard is starting with your email list contacts. People on that list have already signed up, so they’re more likely to respond to a short survey.
You should ask the clients about their reasons for joining and what your business could do to meet their needs better. Your email list should set clear expectations for customers to provide a better incentive for interaction with your business. They should know why joining your list is helpful and how it benefits their interests.
You can grow your email list quickly through a good opt-in landing page, and Automation Agency can help you with that task. With the right landing page, you’ll be able to capture more contact details, making your surveys much more effective.
Once that’s taken care of, you’ll have a much easier time conducting surveys and gathering valuable data. Exit surveys are a somewhat different matter, as you’ll be interacting with people who haven’t signed up for your email list.
To better your chances of getting visitors to fill in the survey, you could offer a freebie or a similar reward to participants. Even then, only every tenth visitor might provide you with some feedback. However, at that point, you can treat the participants as a sample of all visitors – they’ll likely be representative of the majority.
Tip #2. Take Advantage of Ad Analytics
There’s plenty to learn about the quality of your content from ad analytics. While Google Analytics offers a broad, all-encompassing view that can be quite useful, Facebook ads are even more effective for extracting valuable demographic data.
With the vast number of active users, Facebook can serve as a database that has more than enough information to guide your content creation. You can gain insight into user activities and preferences, keeping in mind that your target audience is likely somewhere among those users.
Facebook Ads Manager is the best way to access precious data, and you can use it to your advantage without actually running ads.
In fact, creating but not publishing an ad will provide you with plenty of info that you can use to fine-tune your content. It’s because Facebook will give you relevant demographic information for a mock-up ad, just like it would a real one, including the audience’s city of residence, age, interests, and more.
What you learn from the ad creation page could become a great basis for creating content that will resonate with your target audience.
Tip #3. Leverage the Data Your Social Channels Give You
Interactions on social networks provide fantastic guidelines for content creation. In many cases, user comments on your posts will contain valuable information.
You can go further than that since the largest networks have excellent analytics tools to help you gain a detailed understanding of the audience.
To start with, maintaining an active Facebook page for your business is crucial when it comes to gathering data. The insight gleaned from follower interactions and analytics can inform your content creation to a large extent, making it much easier to tailor your content to the interests of your existing or potential customers.
Other networks like Twitter, Instagram, and Quora offer similar benefits, each with a particular twist. Twitter has a powerful dashboard that will let you connect better with your followers, Instagram can make your visual content stand out, and Quora gives you the opportunity to discover what specific questions people have in mind.
Tip #4. Spend Time in Facebook Groups
These are gathering places for people that share common interests, which means they can be invaluable for engaging your target audience. Joining a Facebook group that gathers members interested in an aspect of your business will give you an opportunity to directly interact with potential customers.
Besides building your brand’s social media presence, which is a benefit on its own, you’ll gain insight into the specific needs and wants of your target audience.
Keep track of the kind of content group members share and engage with most to identify the vital factors that make that particular content appealing to your audience. Analysing everything from the titles to content length will give you a clear picture of how you can better attract attention and boost audience engagement.
Another advantage of Facebook groups is that you can engage with your audience, which provides an alternative to gaining feedback through surveys.
People can tell you about their wants and needs in direct communication, and you can understand their problems better. Of course, this interaction also gives you an opportunity to answer questions, offer solutions, and keep in touch with your target audience regularly, which is a considerable benefit.
Tip #5. Be Diligent with Keyword Research
Keyword research and SEO are tools of immense value in marketing, and their use has become quite well-developed and intricate.
Discovering which keywords relevant to your business are trending will immediately inform you about the type of content that appeals most to your niche. But the crucial matter is to follow trends, not clinging to whatever expectations you might have.
Thorough keyword research will provide you with relevant results backed up by Google’s massive database, which means the results you get will be highly reliable. It would be best to use advanced research tools to get the most detailed information, including how your competitors use keywords relevant to your business.
Once you find the most relevant keywords, you can start exploring related keywords. This research might lead you to specific long-tail keywords and terms your target audience also searches for, which will help you understand their needs and interests even better.
If you devote enough time and attention to study how people search for products or services in your niche, you’ll gather plenty of data that will help you create the most attractive content for them.
Tip #6. Take a Thorough Look at the Competition
You can learn a lot from businesses in a similar niche as yours, both in terms of what works for them and what doesn’t.
Assuming you share a similar target audience, you can analyse how people engage and interact with a competitor’s content to understand what resonates the most. You can then use this knowledge to improve your content.
Of course, your goal shouldn’t be to copy their work but rather to gain a new perspective and update what you’re already doing. Furthermore, you should take the competitor’s content as a blueprint and improve on it significantly.
Take an innovative approach to this task, and you’ll be creating new value instead of rehashing the old.
The Right Content Speaks to the Right People
The quality of your content is a deciding factor for a large part of your potential customers, but reaching the right people with what you publish is just as important. Your target audience consists of people whose needs and wants your business is most suited to address, so ensuring your message reaches those people is crucial.
There’s plenty of research you’ll need to do to find the best way of reaching your ideal customers. Conduct it diligently, and your marketing campaign could reach astounding heights. Once you have all the essential information, you can start creating and publishing fine-tuned, relevant content and watch leads come in in droves.
If you need help in various aspects of content delivery, Automation Agency is here to keep you at the top of the game.
Our Concierge Service can perform a range of tasks that will make your content stand out, from page optimisation to visuals. Go to this link to find out more about our services and start building your online presence in the best way possible.