Top 8 Reasons Why People Leave Your Landing Page

Top 8 Reasons Why People Leave Your Landing Page

Carl Taylor | October 10, 2022

A landing page is made to convert and drive sales. If your landing page isn’t doing that, you’ve got work to do. Find out the top reasons people leave your landing page here.

When it comes to converting prospects and site visitors into leads, nothing can get the job done better than your landing page.

However, your landing page likely isn’t generating the results you’re hoping for. This is true for many businesses.

And if you’re in the B2B space, chances are your marketing isn’t even aligned with the way your website is supposed to work.

See, nearly half of B2B companies get clicks that end up on their homepages instead of their dedicated landing pages. And of those that set up the system properly, over 60% don’t have enough landing pages to actually convert visitors into leads.

When we take into consideration that landing pages are one of the primary drivers of conversions and sales, it’s easy to see why improper setup and use can be troubling.

If your landing page isn’t set up correctly, the worst-case scenario is that people don’t even see it. And the best-case scenario is that prospects end up on your landing page but leave it without doing business with you.

At any rate, the result is tons of missed opportunities to make sales.

If you want to resolve this issue, you’ll need to understand why people tend to leave your landing page without considering your offer.

This article will explain the main reasons behind this and provide answers to the issue.


Top 8 Reasons People Leave Landing Pages

From ads not matching your message to poorly designed pages, there are a plethora of factors that can make your landing pages ineffective.

If you find some of the entries on this list all too familiar, chances are you’ve discovered the key reasons why your landing pages don’t work as intended.


1. Your Message Doesn’t Match Your Ad

The very first thing you should consider when designing a flyer is how it will convey important information. This means you need to have a clear idea of the message you’re trying to send to your audience. 

Flyers provide limited space for everything you want to say. So, that space should be used wisely and carefully. It would be best to keep in mind that you’ll never be able to include all information in your flyers. This means you should focus on the essentials.

Another aspect of the strategic approach is to plan how and where you’ll distribute your flyers. Your intended audience will influence the design as well as the language you use in flyers.


2. The Page Isn’t Optimised for Mobile

While this wasn’t the case decades ago, mobile searches and site views have now overtaken desktop versions.

Mobile traffic is on the rise as the primary driving force behind all online behaviour. In other words, when people visit your landing page, it’s more likely they’ll do it from their phones.

This means your landing pages need to be optimised for mobile. If this optimisation isn’t done properly, it will be as if your landing page doesn’t exist for more than 50% of internet users.

When we talk about mobile optimisation, several key factors have to be considered. For starters, the design of your site needs to be responsive in terms of adapting to the screen size. The page also needs to be easy to use on touchscreens with all the functionality mobile users have grown to expect.

It should go without saying that the entire site, and your landing page, in particular, should have good loading speeds. On mobile, they should at least match desktop speeds or, ideally, surpass them.


3. Your Visitors Don’t Know What to Do

The purpose of your landing pages is to convert visitors into leads and do it as seamlessly as possible. A page that leaves visitors perplexed about what to do will fail in that regard.

The first thing people should see when they come to your landing page is information about your offer. The second thing jumping off the page should be your CTA.

When potential customers get to the landing page, they should be able to know intuitively where to click if they want to buy or at least inquire about your services. This isn’t just an important element of your landing page – it’s the entire purpose behind it.

Ideally, your visitors should have no issues taking action immediately. In perfect conditions, they should get to your landing page through an external link, spend a short time reading the info on the page, and click the button that takes them directly to your offer.

Plenty of care should go into designing your CTA. From the visual design of the buttons to the wording of the copy, everything should draw the visitor’s attention and make it easy for prospects to move forward in the conversion process.

At the same time – and tying back to a previous entry on this list – visitors should understand precisely what they’re getting by clicking that CTA button. If you get all those aspects right, your landing page will undoubtedly start performing better.


4. The Headlines Don’t Grab Attention

Out of every ten people who visit your landing page, eight will read your headlines and nothing else.

This doesn’t make your entire copy irrelevant. It just makes the headlines absolutely crucial.

If your headlines don’t create the right impression, your prospect’s interaction with your brand could end rather quickly. They might be interested in what you have to offer, but they also require a hook to pique that interest.

Luckily, creating headlines that convert isn’t as complex as it might seem.

Your primary focus should be on making the headline as specific as possible. It should emphasise the crucial aspects of your offer and put the visitor’s values and expectations front and centre.

Furthermore, the words and terms you use should mirror what your customers normally use. In other words, you need to understand your audience and “speak their language” – literally.

This also isn’t a particularly complex task.

You can pick up on the key expressions your potential customers use by visiting relevant forums and reading comments on blog posts.


5. You’re Using Your Landing Page as a Home Page

Here’s a point that many don’t understand immediately:

A landing page and a home page are two distinct things.

Your home page is essentially a storefront. It’s where you inform visitors on what your brand’s about, create engagement, and build trust. To put it differently, your home page is where people learn about your business and decide whether to put their trust in you.

On the other hand, your landing page is a sales and conversions machine. It’s intended for prospects who are already aware of your products or services and have come there to make a purchasing decision on a particular offer.

These differences are reflected in how the pages are designed and where they get their traffic.

A homepage will have various sources of traffic. They’ll have navigation and entice visitors to browse the website.

A landing page won’t have navigation. Ideally, it won’t have any other links or buttons besides your CTA. More importantly, the main thing that will drive traffic toward your landing page will be your ads.

In other words, while people might come upon your homepage from different sources, you’ll pay to get people on your landing page.

On a related note, you should have a single homepage… but several landing pages for individual offers. In fact, you might have duplicated landing pages with slight differences to reflect similar, but not identical, offers.

If your list of offers requires such pages, Automation Agency can help you. We can make a duplicate of a landing page and make the necessary adjustments, allowing you to promote multiple offers at the same time or make a single offer available to various target markets.


6. The Dreaded “Not Secure” Warning

For most users, getting a “Not Secure” message when trying to access a page is an immediate red flag.

When such a warning pops up, two-thirds of potential visitors will most likely leave the site right away. This doesn’t mean your site isn’t safe to visit, but your prospects might not be willing to take the risk.

The issue is in security certificates or, more precisely, the lack thereof.

Your website should be certified properly to avoid leaving a harmful first impression. The best way to achieve that would be to upgrade to HTTPS. Once you do that, the warning messages will stop appearing, and your landing page will no longer scare potential customers away.


7. Your Landing Page Is Slow

If you don’t know how long it takes for visitors to choose whether they stay on the page or not, this information might come as a shock.

But nearly three out of four visitors will only wait for a page to load for up to five seconds. If the loading time is longer than that, they’ll most likely click away.

This is a crucial reason to rethink what graphics and other elements you’ll add to your landing pages. Everything you put on the page might end up looking great, but if it slows the overall performance, no visitors will be left to see it.

That’s why you should test your landing pages for speed frequently. As soon as you notice loading times becoming slower, inspect the underlying cause and fix it without hesitation.


8. Too Few (Or Too Many) Visual Elements

If your landing page is overcrowded with visual elements, it can become too slow and unresponsive.

And even if the page performs just right, its main purpose might get buried beneath all the visual clutter. This doesn’t mean the landing page won’t look gorgeous – it simply won’t convert as it should.

On the other hand, you most certainly don’t want a barren landing page that doesn’t command attention. Of all the impressions your landing page could leave on a visitor, boring shouldn’t be one.

The key here is in striking the right balance. The visual design should include your logo, headlines, offer descriptions with supporting graphics, and the CTA. Other elements can also be included, so long as they don’t affect the page’s efficiency.


Fix Your Landing Pages

A well-made landing page will improve your sales and conversions by a large margin.

If you create landing pages that inform people what they’re looking at and send a clear invitation for visitors to take action, you’ll be on the right track.

Luckily, you don’t have to deal with all the minutiae of proper landing page design on your own. Automation Agency can provide professional services that will make your landing pages convert prospects as quickly as they visit. Contact us at and let’s see what our expert team can do for you.

About the author 

Carl Taylor

Carl Taylor is the Founder & CEO of Automation Agency. For the past 10 years Carl has been building businesses and marketing them online through the use of Sales Funnels, Email Marketing Automation, Landing Pages, and Wordpress Websites. Carl is also a #1 author and highly sought after speaker and consultant whose work has impacted thousands of businesses across various industries worldwide.

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